

摘要: 公共卫生体检治理系统软件Public health physical examination management system software用途:公共卫生体检治理系统基本公共
Public health physical examination management system software
用途:公共卫生体检治理系统基本公共卫生治理系统 ,以人为本 ,接纳的设计手艺与的设计理念 ,字斟句酌。在推进基本公共卫生三类九项的效劳项目和实现社区卫生效劳6位1体事情电脑化的基础上 ,一直立异生长。
Purpose: public health physical examination management system, national basic public health management system, people-oriented, advanced design technology and design concept, keep improving. We will continue to innovate and develop on the basis of promoting the three categories and nine items of basic public health services and computerization of community health services.
乐成地推出了以住民预防、控制为目的 ,建设住民电子康健档案 ,公共卫生体检治理系统围绕着住民康健档案的爆发、宣布、存储、使用 ,将家庭、社区(站)、州里卫生院、村卫生所、医院、预防机构、卫生治理部分等相关主体细密联系在一起 ,形成一个康健档案共享、功效前后无缝毗连的完整平台 ,是海内手艺的精品基本公共卫生治理软件。
It has successfully launched the establishment of residents' electronic health archives for the purpose of residents' prevention and control. The public health physical examination management system focuses on the generation, release, storage and use of residents' health archives, closely connects families, communities (stations), township health centers, village health centers, hospitals, prevention institutions, health management departments and other relevant subjects, forming a complete platform for health archives sharing and seamless connection of functions, It is a high-quality basic public health management software of domestic technology.
Information entry of public health physical examination management system
1. 公共卫生体检治理系统接纳身份证读卡器举行身份信息盘问 ,点击读卡按钮 ,系统后台自动对信息举行整理与显示。(联系方法需手动输入。)2. 在系统识别身份证后 ,会自动泛起生化条码 ,双击条码 ,便能举行打印。
1. The public health physical examination management system uses the ID card reader to query the identity information. Click the card reading button, and the system background will automatically sort out and display the information. (contact information needs to be entered manually.) 2. After the system recognizes the ID card, the biochemical barcode will appear automatically. Double click the barcode to print.
3. 点击照相按钮 ,便可举行照相 ,如照片不睬想 ,单机照片便能作废重拍。
3. Click the Photo button to take photos. If the photos are not ideal, the single-machine photos can be cancelled.
4. 点击生涯按钮 ,便可对页面中的信息举行生涯。
4. Click the Save button to save the information in the page.
5. 点击新建按钮 ,便可除去所有信息。
5. Click the new button to remove all information.
The above is a detailed introduction to the public health physical examination management system. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service /