

摘要:   康健体检系统以体检信息为主线,康健指导为纽带,通过规范体检流程治理,合理安排体检项目,通过网络传输种种磨练、检查效果,镌汰中心环节,提高信息数据的性和可靠性 。系统能够提供规范的体检效果报告,并

  康健体检系统以体检信息为主线,康健指导为纽带,通过规范体检流程治理,合理安排体检项目,通过网络传输种种磨练、检查效果,镌汰中心环节,提高信息数据的性和可靠性 。系统能够提供规范的体检效果报告,并能举行剖析,使体检报告更具科学性,同时也为体检职员建设了体检小我私家档案,包管康健状态资料的一连性 。能利便、快捷地举行逐年体检情形追踪、体检信息综合剖析,形成各项医疗统计报表,为体检单位提供职员整体康健状态剖析 。从而实现体检流程的信息化,提高事情效率,镌汰手动效果录入的一些常犯过失 。

  The health examination system takes examination information as the main line and health guidance as the link. By standardizing the examination process management, arranging examination items reasonably, transmitting various inspection and examination results through the network, reducing intermediate links, and improving the security and reliability of information data. The system can provide standardized medical examination result reports and analyze them, making the medical examination reports more scientific. At the same time, it also establishes personal files for medical examination personnel to ensure the continuity of health status information. It can conveniently and quickly track the annual physical examination situation, comprehensively analyze the physical examination information, form various medical statistical reports, and provide overall health status analysis of personnel for physical examination units. Thus achieving the informatization of the physical examination process, improving work efficiency, and reducing some common errors in manual result input.20230310043610806.jpg


  Systematic significance

  提高医院查体营业的效劳质量和竞争力 。

  Improve the service quality and competitiveness of hospital physical examination services.

  简化事情流程,提高事情效率 。

  Simplify workflow and improve work efficiency.

  规范事情流程,提高查体中心的治理水平 。

  Standardize workflow and improve the management level of the physical examination center.

  是医院信息化建设的一个主要组成部分,和医院现有软件系统组成一个有机整体,提高医院的信息化建设水平 。

  It is an important component of hospital informationization construction, which forms an organic whole with the existing software system of the hospital, and improves the level of hospital informationization construction.


  Product Features

  1.系统接纳SOA三层架构模式,充分体现以信息效劳为主体的系统设计理念 。

  1. The system adopts the SOA three-layer architecture pattern, fully reflecting the system design concept of information services as the main body.

  2.可凭证差别体检中心,无邪调解体检科室和体检套餐,化知足用户需求和未来功效拓展需要 。

  2. The examination department and examination package can be flexibly adjusted according to different examination centers, maximizing the satisfaction of user needs and future functional expansion needs.

  3.参检信息自动导入功效使体检系统更智能化、人性化 。

  3. The automatic import function of examination information makes the physical examination system more intelligent and user-friendly.

  4.关于个性化体检套餐,系统可凭证套餐内容做出自动提醒 。如:清早禁食、憋尿等 。

  4. For personalized medical examination packages, the system can provide automatic reminders based on the package content. For example, fasting in the morning, holding urine, etc.

  5.支持多种层面的体检套餐设置,利便体检营业的市场推广 。

  5. Fully support multiple levels of physical examination package settings, facilitating the market promotion of physical examination services.

  6.支持网上预约和网上宣布,促使康健体检更为简朴、快捷 。

  6. Support online appointment and publication, making health check ups simpler and faster.

  7.智能知识库和模板功效,使医生操作更为简朴,体检内容只需鼠标点选即可完成,大大提高了医生的事情效率 。

  7. The intelligent knowledge base and template function make it easier for doctors to operate, and the physical examination content can be completed by simply clicking with the mouse, greatly improving the efficiency of doctors' work.

  8.基于数据挖掘手艺,可爆发强盛的医院、体检单位和小我私家需求的种种剖析报告 。

  8. Based on data mining technology, various analysis reports on the needs of hospitals, medical examination units, and individuals can be generated.

  9.内置多家医院体检报告模板,并可自行界说 。

  9. Built in multiple hospital physical examination report templates and customizable.

  10.完善的统计功效 。包括疾病统计,事情量统计,体检人次和收入统计等,并应提供响应图表功效 。

  10. Comprehensive statistical functions. Including disease statistics, workload statistics, physical examination personnel and income statistics, and corresponding chart functions should be provided.

  11.具有强盛的效果统计及剖析功效,可用于学术研究 。

  11. It has powerful statistical and analytical functions and can be used for academic research.

  12.可利便的同医院内部HIS、LIS、pacs等辖档同接,阻止医技检查报告重复录入 。自动天生体检小结、综述、建议,内置评测功效 。

  12. It can be easily connected to internal systems such as HIS, LIS, and PACS in the hospital to avoid duplicate entry of medical examination reports. Automatically generate medical examination summaries, reviews, and suggestions, with built-in expert evaluation function.

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