

摘要: 以往 ,对患者的随访由各科室护士操作 ,由于患者数目多、事情量大、人力资源有限 ,导致随访事情逐渐流于形式 ,不但铺张时间和人力本钱 ,也难
以往 ,对患者的随访由各科室护士操作 ,由于患者数目多、事情量大、人力资源有限 ,导致随访事情逐渐流于形式 ,不但铺张时间和人力本钱 ,也难以剖析数据 ,无法为医疗效劳水平提升提供有力的参考 。各科室能否凭证要求100%完成随访使命 ,也受到方方面面因素的影响 。
In the past, follow-up of patients was operated by nurses from various departments. Due to the large number of patients, large workload, and limited human resources, follow-up work gradually became a formality, which not only wasted time and labor costs, but also made it difficult to analyze data and provide effective reference for improving medical service levels. The ability of each department to complete 100% of follow-up tasks as required is also influenced by various factors.
通过慢管通全院慢病智慧治理平台 ,融合现在市面成熟的AI智能随访手艺 ,可实现慢病治理历程中高频、焦点慢病随访营业的智能化、人性化 ,提升患者的依从性 。
By integrating the mature AI intelligent follow-up technology on the market through the slow management platform of the entire hospital, the intelligent and humanized high-frequency and core slow disease follow-up business in the slow disease management process can be achieved, improving patient compliance.
Automated follow-up management
可凭证科室、病种或者患者康健为中心建设标准化随访路径 ,例如:医生确认患者为高尿酸患者 ,系统自动启动高尿酸患者随访模板 ,为该患者天生随访妄想 。凭证妄想 ,系统准时提醒医护职员 ,并将该患者信息综合回报给医护职员 ,团结移动应用治理 ,将部分随访反响给院外祸者 ,真正做到便捷 。同时自动筛选出脱访的患者 ,支持对脱访患者举行提醒 。
A standardized follow-up path can be established based on the department, disease type, or patient's health as the center. For example, if the doctor confirms that the patient is a high uric acid patient, the system automatically launches a high uric acid patient follow-up template to generate a follow-up plan for the patient. According to the plan, the system regularly reminds medical staff and comprehensively reports the patient's information to them. Combined with mobile application management, it provides partial follow-up feedback to patients outside the hospital, truly achieving efficiency and convenience. At the same time, automatically screen out patients who have left the interview, and support reminders for patients who have left the interview.
Standardization and personalization
系统内置富厚的随访模板 ,支持统一类患者匹配同样的随访计划 ,确保随访数据的统一性 ,以便后续的统计剖析;同时系统还付与了用户更多的自动权 ,可凭证事情需要自界说模板或妄想 ,增添随访的针对性、个性化 ,提高随访质量 。
The system is equipped with rich follow-up templates that support matching the same follow-up plan for the same type of patients, ensuring the consistency of follow-up data for subsequent statistical analysis; At the same time, the system also gives users more initiative, allowing them to customize templates or plans according to work needs, increasing the targeted and personalized follow-up, and improving the quality of follow-up.
Multidimensional statistical analysis
系统可针对差别类别的随访数据 ,并形成可视化的统计报表(如随访事情统计、患者随访统计) ,便于医院全局审阅自身医疗效劳品质 ,量化治理评价指标 ,深度挖掘随访大数据应用价值 ,为院方高层的科学决议提供全维度、立体化的数据支持 。
The system can target different types of follow-up data and form visual statistical reports (such as follow-up work statistics and patient follow-up statistics), facilitating the hospital to comprehensively examine its own medical service quality, quantify management evaluation indicators, deeply explore the application value of follow-up big data, and provide comprehensive and three-dimensional data support for scientific decision-making by the hospital's senior management.
Diversified follow-up pathways
除了通例电话随访 ,该系统还能够团结短信、语音外呼、院外祸者端等形式对患者推送用药提醒、复诊提醒等 ,使得用户不再局限于简单集中式的人工拨打模式 ,不再受限于时空限制 。资助用户建设与患者更细密的相同与效劳关系 ,多方位效劳患者 ,体现医院眷注 ,镌汰患者流失率 ,提高患者知足度和忠诚度 ,构建协调医患关系 。
In addition to regular phone follow-up, the system can also combine forms such as text messages, voice calls, and out of hospital patient terminals to push medication reminders, follow-up reminders, etc. to patients, so that users are no longer limited to a single centralized manual dialing mode and are no longer limited by time and space constraints. Help users establish closer communication and service relationships with patients, provide comprehensive services to patients, reflect hospital care, reduce patient turnover rate, improve patient satisfaction and loyalty, and build a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.
随着全院慢病智慧治理平台的应用 ,能更好地相识随访患者的康复情形、心理状态及需求 ,实时准确地给予康健指导 ,提高患者自我照顾护士能力及生涯质量 ,增进患者的身心康复 。
With the application of the intelligent management platform for chronic diseases throughout the hospital, it is possible to better understand the rehabilitation status, psychological status, and needs of follow-up patients, provide timely and accurate health guidance, improve patients' self-care ability and quality of life, and promote their physical and mental recovery.
同时也降低了医院回访的人力本钱和时间本钱 ,提高随访事情效率和质量 ,使种种视察数据和统计数据越发精准 ,资助医护或者医院从沉重无序的随访事情中解放出来 ,压缩出的时间用于深度挖掘数据和投身科研 ,增强科室及医院竞争力 。
At the same time, it also reduces the labor and time costs of hospital follow-up, improves the efficiency and quality of follow-up work, makes various survey and statistical data more accurate, helps medical staff or hospitals free from the heavy and disorderly follow-up work, and compresses the time for deep data mining and scientific research, enhancing the competitiveness of departments and hospitals.
A Solution for Hospital wide Chronic Disease Management Based on Specialized Diseases
基于专科专病的全院慢病治理计划 ,团结了现代医院及科室现实事情场景和治理痛点 ,接纳人工智能(AI)手艺 ,以“人工智能+医院+互联网+专科特色”为焦点 ,实现医院的慢病全流程闭环治理 。
The hospital wide chronic disease management solution based on specialized diseases, combined with the actual working scenes and management pain points of modern hospitals and departments, adopts the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technology, and takes "AI+hospital+Internet plus+specialty features" as the core to realize the closed-loop management of the whole process of chronic diseases in hospitals.
现在 ,基于专科专病的全院慢病治理计划已在四川大学华西医院、河北医科大学第四医院等一批医院乐成落地并取得显著效果 。未来 ,慢管通将继续秉持着“人人需要康健 ,让智慧康健治理成为一种生涯方法”的焦点价值主张 ,资助医护更智能、更的实现慢性病的与治理 ,让国民少生病、不生病 ,不竭余力地推进康健伟大宏图建设 。
Now, the hospital wide chronic disease management solution based on specialized diseases has been successfully implemented and achieved significant results in a number of hospitals, including West China Hospital of Sichuan University and the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University. In the future, Manguantong will continue to uphold the core value proposition of "everyone needs health, making intelligent health management a way of life", helping healthcare professionals to achieve more intelligent and efficient treatment and management of chronic diseases, reducing and avoiding illness among the people, and tirelessly promoting the great construction of a healthy China.
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