

摘要: 数据收罗和整合:公卫体检系统可以集成小我私家康健数据的收罗手段 ,如体检纪录、医疗档案、实验室检查效果等 ,将这些数据整合到一个统一的平台上 ,便于治理和剖析。Data collection and integ

数据收罗和整合:公卫体检系统可以集成小我私家康健数据的收罗手段 ,如体检纪录、医疗档案、实验室检查效果等 ,将这些数据整合到一个统一的平台上 ,便于治理和剖析。

Data collection and integration: The public health examination system can integrate the collection methods of personal health data, such as examination records, medical records, laboratory test results, etc., and integrate these data into a unified platform for easy management and analysis.

康健评估和监测:基于收罗到的小我私家康健数据 ,公卫体检系统可以举行的康健评估和监测。它可以凭证差别的指标和标准 ,对小我私家的康健状态举行定量和定性的评价 ,如身体质量指数(BMI)、血压、血糖等。

Health assessment and monitoring: Based on collected personal health data, the public health examination system can conduct comprehensive health assessment and monitoring. It can quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate an individual's health status based on different indicators and standards, such as body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.

疾病预防和控制:公卫体检系统可以通太过析小我私家康健数据 ,资助公共卫生部分提前发明和预防疾病的爆发和撒播。它可以使用大数据剖析手艺 ,展现人群中的潜在危害和盛行趋势 ,为制订疾病预防战略和接纳针对性步伐提供科学依据。20230920043313678.jpg

Disease prevention and control: The public health examination system can help the public health department detect and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases in advance by analyzing personal health data. It can use big data analysis technology to reveal potential risks and trends in the population, providing scientific basis for formulating disease prevention strategies and taking targeted measures.


Intelligent public health examination equipment

康健教育和干预:公卫体检系统可以凭证小我私家康健情形天生个性化的康健建媾和妄想 ,并向用户提供相关知识和指导。通过按期的跟踪和反响 ,资助人们相识自己的康健状态 ,逐步改善生涯方法 ,提高整体康健水平。

Health education and intervention: The public health examination system can generate personalized health advice and plans based on individual health conditions, and provide users with relevant knowledge and guidance. By regularly tracking and providing feedback, we help people understand their health status, gradually improve their lifestyle, and enhance their overall health level.


Common public health examination equipment

现现在科学手艺的生长 ,以及康健治理的需要 ,康健一体机逐渐走进墟落、社区、养老院。

With the development of science and technology and the need for health management, health all-in-one machines are gradually entering rural areas, communities, and nursing homes.

它可以资助我们智能建设电子康健档案 ,轻松自助式的完成体检并天生电子康健档案 ,检测的数据可对接医院系统以及社区康健治理系统 ,实现疾病预防和康健治理。并且它一样平常包括智慧显示屏 ,在体检中不但可以触屏操作显示 ,在平时也可实现康健知识宣布道育 ,一台装备多项功效。

It can help us intelligently establish electronic health records, easily complete physical examinations and generate electronic health records in a self-service manner. The detected data can be connected to hospital systems and community health management systems, achieving disease prevention and health management. And it generally includes a smart display screen, which can not only operate and display on the touch screen during physical examinations, but also achieve health knowledge promotion and education in daily life. One device has multiple functions.
