

摘要: 一、各地两癌筛查事情保存的问题1、 Problems in cancer screening work in various regions两癌筛核关于包管妇女康健有主要意义,天下各地两癌筛查事情均逐


1、 Problems in cancer screening work in various regions

两癌筛核关于包管妇女康健有主要意义,天下各地两癌筛查事情均逐步纳入政府惠民工程,相关用度由财务肩负 。可是在现实筛查治理中,保存如下问题:

Two cancer screening is of great significance for ensuring women's health, and cancer screening work across the country has gradually been included in government welfare projects, with related costs borne by the government. However, in actual screening management, there are the following issues:


1. Repeated screening

适龄妇女一年中在多地加入两癌筛查或者在划定的年度内重复筛查,造成资源的铺张 ;

Women of appropriate age participate in two cancer screenings in multiple locations within a year or repeat screenings within a specified year, resulting in wastage of resources;


2. The referral situation cannot be controlled

两癌筛查的目的是在下层发明早期有危害的妇女,实时转诊到上级单位做进一步的检查和确诊,古板的手工方法,导致下层单位和上级单位看待转诊的都无法控制,转诊情形也无法实时知晓 。

The purpose of cancer screening is to detect women at early risk at the grassroots level and promptly refer them to higher-level units for further examination and diagnosis. Traditional manual methods have led to uncontrollable treatment of referrals by both grassroots and higher-level units, and the referral situation cannot be known in a timely manner.


3. The workload cannot be accurately calculated

两癌筛查是接纳是政府购置效劳的方法支付给各相关单位用度,以是条件是准确各个单位在筛查历程中每项事情的开展情形,古板手工方法,只能依据下层单位上报的报表数据,而无法建设基于个案的准确统计 。

Two cancer screening is paid to relevant units through government purchase of services, so the premise is to accurately assess the progress of each unit's work during the screening process. Traditional manual methods can only rely on report data reported by grassroots units, and cannot establish accurate statistics based on individual cases.


4. No continuous screening data

基于手工或单机版本的筛查系统,无法将相宜妇女多次的两癌筛查数据集中治理,在诊断时无法查阅既往病史信息,并且影响相关科研项目的开展 。

Based on manual or standalone versions of screening systems, it is not possible to centrally manage multiple cancer screening data suitable for women, and it is not possible to access past medical history information during diagnosis, which also affects the development of related scientific research projects.


2、 Main functions of the system


1 Women's Archives

纪录辖区内妇幼所女的基本档案,便于自动开展两癌筛查 ;

Record the basic files of women in maternal and child clinics within the jurisdiction to facilitate proactive cancer screening;


Cervical cancer screening

宫颈癌筛查凭证营业流程,包括知识问卷、妇科检查、HPV检查、盆腔B超、宫颈刮片、***镜检查、组织学病理、和随访 。

Cervical cancer screening follows the business process, including knowledge questionnaire, gynecological examination, HPV examination, pelvic ultrasound, cervical scraping, * * * microscopic examination, histopathology, treatment, and follow-up.


3 breast cancer screening

乳腺癌筛查包括知识问卷、一样平常检查、临床检查、乳腺彩超、钼靶X线、组织学诊断、和随访 。

Breast cancer screening includes knowledge questionnaire, general examination, clinical examination, breast color ultrasound, molybdenum target X-ray, histological diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.


4. Referral Management

包括转诊单申请和转诊处置惩罚两部分 。

This includes two parts: application for referral form and referral processing.


下层单位对筛查中发明的高危害和异常,开具转诊单 ;

Grassroots units shall issue referral forms for high-risk and abnormal cases discovered during screening;

上级单位在接诊后,纪录转诊情形 。

The superior unit records the referral situation after receiving the diagnosis.


5 Treatment

针对筛查出的阳性患者,详细纪录信息 ;

Record detailed treatment information for screened positive patients;


6 Follow up

针对筛查出的高危和阳性患者,详细纪录随访信息 。

Record detailed follow-up information for high-risk and positive patients identified through screening.


7 Statistical analysis


1) Statistics of Two Cancer Screening Work

凭证体检时间,可以盘问两癌筛查病人的人数和效果 。并可以导出到EXCEL中 。

According to the examination time, the number and results of two cancer screening patients can be queried. And it can be exported to Excel.


2) Unit business volume statistics

可以凭证统计恣意一段时间各个单位两癌筛查的职员数目,便于绩效审核 。

The number of personnel screened for cancer in each unit during any given period of time can be counted for performance evaluation.


3) * * * Mirror statistics

凭证体检时间,可以盘问出每小我私家***镜盘问效果,并可以导出到EXCEL中 。

According to the examination time, each person's * * mirror query results can be queried and exported to Excel.


4) Ultrasound molybdenum target statistics

凭证体检时间,可以盘问到某个单位彩超钼靶的效果,并可以导出到EXCEL中 。

According to the examination time, the results of a certain unit's ultrasound molybdenum target can be queried and exported to Excel.


5) Comprehensive query statistics

可以凭证筛查地区、时间段、妇女病分类等对妇女病的普查和情形举行盘问统计 。

The census and treatment status of women's diseases can be queried and statistically analyzed based on the screening area, time period, and classification of women's diseases.


6) Analysis report

系统能够凭证地区天生标准名堂的妇女性查治情形视察表,还可以凭证治理要求天生其他名堂的报表 。

The system can generate national standard format survey forms on women's sexual investigation and treatment according to regions, and can also generate reports in other formats according to management requirements.
