
夏日在体检前都需要注重什么 ?

摘要: 炎天都到了,酷暑难当,可是人们照旧需要举行一些身体检查,做做体检也是很常见的,可是炎天做体检需要留心什么呢 ?和其他季节体检有啥差别
炎天都到了,酷暑难当,可是人们照旧需要举行一些身体检查,做做体检也是很常见的,可是炎天做体检需要留心什么呢 ?和其他季节体检有啥差别 ?
Summer is coming, and it's hard to cope with the heat, but people still need to have some physical examinations. It's also common to have a physical examination, but what do you need to pay attention to when doing a physical examination in summer? What is the difference between physical examination and other seasons?
Precautions before physical examination
应多吃清淡饮食,多吃蔬菜,少吃肉类、鸡蛋等高脂食物,体检当天要空腹,适当饮用白开水 。
You should eat more light food, eat more vegetables, eat less meat, eggs and other high-fat foods, have an empty stomach on the day of physical examination, and drink boiled water appropriately.
Precautions during physical examination
要避免中暑及低血糖,体检要求空腹,在采血及腹部超声等空腹项目检查完毕后应实时增补水分和就餐,避免头晕、无力等低血糖症状的爆发 。
To prevent heatstroke and hypoglycemia, physical examination requires fasting. After blood collection, abdominal ultrasound and other fasting items are checked, water and meals should be supplemented in time to prevent dizziness, weakness and other hypoglycemic symptoms.
Precautions after physical examination
采血完毕后要遵照医生指导,按压采血处5-10分钟,另外由于夏日沐浴频仍,也应阻止当天冲洗采血部位,避免熏染和皮下瘀血 。
After blood collection, press the blood collection place for 5-10 minutes according to the doctor's guidance. In addition, due to frequent bathing in summer, it is also necessary to avoid washing the blood collection site on the same day to prevent infection and subcutaneous blood stasis.
另外,炎天去体检一定要注重避暑,体检前后都能饮用白开水,可是体检前要榨取饮用含糖饮料等 。入……
In addition, when you go for a physical examination in summer, you must pay attention to summer vacation. You can drink boiled water before and after the physical examination, but you should not drink sugary drinks before the physical examination. Enter
The above is a detailed introduction about the mobile convenient medical examination car, which I hope will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service /