

摘要:   慢病随访效劳指对辖区内患有高血压、糖尿病等慢性病的患者提供一样平常体格检查 ,包括血压、心率、脉率及血糖检测等 ,同时通过相识患者服药情形以及吸烟、饮酒、运动和饮食情形 ,指导资助患者合理用药、合理饮食、适

  慢病随访效劳指对辖区内患有高血压、糖尿病等慢性病的患者提供一样平常体格检查 ,包括血压、心率、脉率及血糖检测等 ,同时通过相识患者服药情形以及吸烟、饮酒、运动和饮食情形 ,指导资助患者合理用药、合理饮食、适量运动 ,以准确康健的生涯方法 ,起劲乐观的心态 ,预防糖尿病、高血压并发症的爆发 ,并向群众宣传基本公共卫生效劳项目内容 ,让群众越发深入相识基本公共卫生效劳的惠民政策。

Follow up service for chronic diseases refers to providing general physical examination for patients with hypertension, diabetes and other chronic diseases within the jurisdiction, including blood pressure, heart rate, pulse rate and blood sugar detection. At the same time, through understanding the patients' medication, smoking, drinking, exercise and diet, guiding and helping patients to use drugs, eat properly, exercise moderately, prevent the occurrence of diabetes and hypertension complications with a correct and healthy lifestyle, a positive and optimistic attitude, and publicize the contents of the national basic public health service project to the masses, so that the masses can have a deeper understanding of the national basic public health service policies for the benefit of the people.

  慢病随访治理系统进一步落实公共卫生效劳的慢性病治理事情 ,提升辖区慢病规范化治理的效劳质量 ,实时掌控慢性病患者的病情 ,给予住民指导普及慢病防治知识。

The chronic disease follow-up management system further implements the chronic disease management work of national public health services, improves the service quality of standardized management of chronic diseases in the jurisdiction, timely controls the condition of chronic disease patients, and provides guidance and popularization of chronic disease prevention and control knowledge to residents.

  通过开展随访事情 ,使越来越多的住民掌握高血压和糖尿病等慢性病的防控知识 ,镌汰高血压、糖尿病等慢性病并发症的爆发。


Through follow-up work, more and more residents will master the knowledge of prevention and control of chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and reduce the occurrence of chronic disease complications such as hypertension and diabetes.

  医护职员“ ,心知心”的效劳赢得了患者的认可与信托 ,并且提高了慢性病人群加入按期随访查体的起劲性和自动性。

The "zero distance, caring" service provided by medical staff has won the recognition and trust of patients, and has increased the enthusiasm and initiative of chronic patients to participate in regular follow-up and physical examinations.

  以上就是有关:慢病随访治理系统 的先容 ,想相识更多的内容请点击: 我们将会一心一意为您提供满分效劳 ,接待您的来电!

The above is an introduction to the chronic disease follow-up management system. To learn more, please click: We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!
